
6 februari: Dubbele Boekpresentatie van “Homecoming” (K. Kralova) & “Νέα Ζωή” (E. Beze)

The NIA is privileged to host on Thursday 6 February 2025 at 6 pm a special presentation and discussion of two recent publications on the return of Shoah survivors to their ancestral homes in Greece:   Homecoming, Holocaust Survivors and Greece, 1941-1946 by Kateřina Králová (Charles University, Prague) «Νέα Ζωή», Έλληνες Εβραίοι μετά τη Σοά. […]

4-5 Februari: Conferentie “Jewish Urban Landscapes in Mid-20th Century Europe”

It is with great pleasure that we announce the final program of the International two-days conference “Jewish Urban Landscapes in Mid-20th Century Europe” that will take place on 4-5 February. The conference, with keynote lectures by Professor Michael Meng (Clemson University) and Professor Bart Wallet (University of Amsterdam), is organized in cooperation with the University […]

5 december: “Lezing Musical themes and instruments in the world of Hieronymus Bosch, diving into 15th century arts and culture in the Low Countries” door dr. D. Kountouras (Conservatorium van Athene, Ionische Universiteit)

On Thursday 5 December, 18.00, the NIA has the pleasure of hosting a lecture by dr. Dimitris Kountouras (Athens Conservatory, Ionian University) “Musical themes and instruments in the world of Hieronymus Bosch, diving into 15th century arts and culture in the Low Countries” In this lecture, dr. Kountouras will address the symbolism of music in Bosch’s […]

2 december: ATLAS-Lezing door Prof. dr. Ann Brysbaert (Directeur van het NIA; Universiteit Leiden) “Studying the dynamics of the LBA Mycenaean taskscape in the Argolid through labour cost research and digital technologies”

It is our pleasure to invite you for the next ATLAS-lecture, which will take place on 2 December at 19.00 in our library at Makri 11. On this occasion Prof. dr. Ann Brysbaert (Director of the NIA and Professor of Ancient Technologies, Materials and Crafts at the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University) will be […]