Auteur: Ioannis Makris

Library Reopening

The Netherlands Institute at Athens is pleased to announce the reopening of its library to readers from Monday 28 June, following the recent announcement by the government (ΦΕΚ 2476/Β/10-6-2021). Until further notice the library will operate only by appointment through e-mail or phone: 210 9210760. The number of users is limited to ensure physical distancing […]

CONSERVATION AND PHYSICOCHEMICAL STUDY OF METAL ARTIFACTS FROM THE CRUSADER PERIOD online classes & practical workshop (autumn 2020 / spring 2021)

During 8 September – 15 October 2020 online classes will be streamed (live) and during 1 – 6 March 2021 a practical workshop will take place at Athens in Greece on the ‘CONSERVATION AND PHYSICOCHEMICAL STUDY OF METAL ARTIFACTS FROM THE CRUSADER PERIOD’. The course will be organized by the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University […]

Modern Greek I, ΙΙ & IV 16 -24 November 2019

Fieldwork and staying in Greece becomes more interesting when you are able to communicate with the locals. The intensive course Modern Greek I is for absolute beginners and gives you the tools to conduct a basic conversation in Greek: ordering food and drinks, doing groceries, telling people about yourself. The course leads to level A1. […]