Open Call for Papers “The Constant Participant: Constructing and Affirming Identity through Material Culture in Ancient Greek Sanctuaries and Modern Museums (Αθήνα, 8-10 Μαΐου 2024)

Votives from the Athena Lindia Sanctuary in Rhodes at the National Museum of Denmark. Photo: John Lee

(Picture: Votives from the Athena Lindia Sanctuary in Rhodes at the National Museum of Denmark. Photo: John Lee)


We are happy to share this open Call for Papers for a Conference that the NIA organizes in cooperation with our colleagues from the Danish Institute at Athens and the Finnish Institute at Athens and which will take place at the Danish institute at Athens.

This conference focuses on object agency and their chaînes opératoires by following specific groups of objects from their ancient modes of production to practical and performative use in ancient Greek sanctuaries and ritual places, through to their modern presentative state in museum exhibitions. Both sanctuaries and museums represent revered, carefully guarded, civic and political open spaces, that are central settings for creation and representation of identity.

Organizing Committee:
Dr. Sanne Hoffmann, Assistant Director at the Danish Institute at Athens
Prof. Dr. Ann Brysbaert, Director of the Netherlands Institute at Athens, Prof. of Ancient Technologies, Materials and Crafts, Leiden University (The Netherlands)
Dr. Petra Pakkanen, Director of the Finnish Institute at Athens

Click here for the Call for Papers.

For more information on the Conference click here.

Deadline for abstracts (up to 300 words): 1st of November 2023