Workshop: “The Greek War of Independence and the Ottomans: Impact, Perceptions and Transformation within and beyond the Empire”

Het Nederlands Instituut in Athene organiseert op 13 en 14 september 2021 de tweedaagse workshop “The Greek War of Independence and the Ottomans: Impact, Perceptions and Transformation within and beyond the Empire” ter gelegenheid van 200e verjaardag van de Griekse onafhankelijkheidsstrijd. U dient zich van te voren aan te melden via deze link.
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Het programma is als volgt:

Maandag 13 september
17:00-18:00 Key-note lezing
E.J. Zürcher (Leiden University):
State, nationhood and citizenship: the dilemmas of the Ottoman army in the age of nationalism.
18:00-18:15 Break

18:15 – 20:00 Panel 1: Ottoman/Turkish Perspectives of the Greek Revolution
Dilek Ozkan (University of Athens):
Ottoman perceptions of the Greek Revolution, and resettlement of the Muslim refugees of the Peleponnese.
Leonidas Moiras (University of Athens) and Alexandros Lamprou (Marburg University):
Ottoman and Turkish Perceptions of the Greek Revolution and Greek irredentism.

Dinsdag 14 september 2021
10:00 – 12:00 Panel 2: The Greek Revolution and the Balkans
Elmira Vasileva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences):
Protestant missionaries and the Greek Revolution
Dimitris Stamatopoulos (University of Macedonia):
The Ecumenical Patriarchate and the dissolution of the Phanariot system: from Moldovlachia to Constantinople.
12:00 – 13:30 Lunch Break & Coffee

13:30 – 16:00 Panel 3: Alternative Narratives
Nikos Christofis (Shaanxi Normal University):
Different Discourses on the Greek War of Independence in Cyprus
Panos Kourgiotis (Hellenic Open University):
Egyptian perceptions of the Greek Revolution; war and the emergence of modern Egypt.
Aristides N. Hatzis (University of Athens):
’The Absolute Barbarians’ as victims: The Perception of the Ottomans in the British Press during the Revolution and the case of the Tripolitsa massacre.

Organisatie comité:
Leonidas Moiras, Alexandros Lamprou, Tryfon Bampilis