We zijn verheugd de online registratie van de vierde sessie van onze nieuwe TEXNH-serie met u te kunnen delen. Na een korte inleiding door NIA-directeur prof. Ann Brysbaert, hield dr. Despina Ignatiadou (Nationaal Archaeologisch Museum Athene) de lezing “The cross-overs between three pyrotechnologies: Pre-Roman pottery, metalware, and glassware”. De registratie omvat ook de Q&A-sessie met […]
The Netherlands Institute at Athens, in collaboration with the Royal Museums of Art and History Brussels, The National Archaeological Museum Athens, The Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus, The École française d’Athènes and The University College Roosevelt (NL) are very pleased to announce a lecture by Dr. Éléonore Favier (Membre scientifique de l’École […]
It is our pleasure to announce the keynote speech of Professor Maurean Carroll ” “Dolia should be bought at Rome”: Exploring heavy ceramics elemental to producing, storing, and distributing wine in Roman Italy ” that will take place at the NIA on Thursday 2 November (7.00 p.m.) in the frame of the Workshop Consuming the Past […]
On Thursday 5 December the NIA had the pleasure of hosting a lecture by dr. Dimitris Kountouras (Athens Conservatory, Ionian University) “Musical themes and instruments in the world of Hieronymus Bosch, diving into 15th century arts and culture in the Low Countries” In his lecture, dr. Kountouras addressed the symbolism of music in Bosch’s work and during […]