Nature and Human Nature in Ancient Greek Philosophy and its Reception (Διεθνές Συμπόσιο, 3 Οκτωβρίου)

We are happy to announce the International Symposium Nature and Human Nature in Ancient Greek Philosophy and its Reception that will take place at our premises on October 3rd, 2023.

The Symposium is organized by The Netherlands Institute at Athens and Dr. Melina G. Mouzala, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy of the University of Patras and will focus on two key-themes, Nature and Human Nature, as well as their interrelation in Ancient Philosophy and its reception in Late Antiquity. It will embrace issues of ancient philosophy and its reception that deal either with different conceptions and aspects of nature or the various approaches to human nature as well as the relationships that link/bridge the two realms and the differences that draw the limits between them. Cosmos and human being, nature and soul, nature and intellect, philosophy of nature and metaphysics, body and soul, body and intellect, manifestations of nature within the human nature, theories of ancient medicine which shed light on these relations, are inter alia some of the topics that may stimulate the participants in the context of the general subject of this Symposium.

You can find the programme and book of abstracts here.

The Symposium will be streamed live.
For registration please click here

For reservations in physical presence please contact us by email