The Theisoa-Lavdha Project
Years of Operation:
1976, 1984-1988, 2007, 2011-2012
Prof. Dr. G.J.M.J. te Riele 1976, 1984-1988
Prof. Dr. T. Mattern, Universität Trier, 2007, 2011-2012
Objectives of the Project:
In 1984–1988, a Dutch team led by Prof. G.J.M.J. te Riele conducted archaeological research on the hill of Lavdha (Λάβδα), about 15 km east of Andritsena (Peloponnese). There are the well-preserved remains of a small settlement, which are identified with the ancient site of Theisoa (Θεισόα). They include a well-preserved city wall, house walls, an acropolis with a surrounding wall and structural elements scattered throughout the area. The original aim of the project was to put the right name and location to the two cities in this region mentioned by ancient authors, Theisoa and Lykoa. The second aim was to determine the role of the ancient settlement Theisoa/Lavdha in the region.
At the invitation of the Netherlands Institute in Athens, the archaeological research of ancient Theisoa was carried out in the summer of 2007 through a two-week campaign led by Prof. Dr. Mattern. The aim of the work was to record as completely as possible the freely accessible building elements in the urban area.
An unusual architectural building from the early Hellenistic period was identified. It has a Doric order with Ionic bases and combines Ionic and Doric fluting on the column shafts. But not only is its design unusual, the construction technology is also particularly innovative, as clear evidence of the existence of a surface structure has been preserved. Although the floor plans are still unknown, there is currently more evidence for a hall-like building than for a temple.
The Dutch research Council NWO (formerly ZWO)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Major Publications:
- Mattern – Y.C. Goester a.o., Thisoa am Lykaion, Wiesbaden 2023
J.J. Feije, Lavda. History of the Site, Pharos I, 1993, 183-199
J.J. Feije, Lavda. The Site, the Walls, Pharos II, 1994, 49-89
Y.C. Goester, The Landscape of Lavda, Pharos I, 1993, 201-208
Y.C. Goester, Lavda. Outside the Circuit Walls, Pharos II, 1994, 39-48
Y.C. Goester, Lavda. The coins, Pharos III, 1995, 131-139
Y.C. Goester – D.M. van de Vrie, Lavda. The Excavations 1986-1988, Pharos VI, 1998, 119-178
- Goester – V. Grieb – T. Mattern, Theisoa (Lavda). Vorbericht über die Kampagne 2007, Pharos 15, 2007, 193-203;
- Mattern, Theisoa (Lavdha). Vorbericht über die Arbeiten 2011 und 2012, Pharos 19,2, 2013 57-77;
- Mattern, Theisoa. Eine antike Kleinstadt im Spannungsfeld hellenistischer Mächte?, AW 2014/2, 52-63
Contact Information
Uni Trier: Klassische Archäologie – Theisoa (