Study & Research in Greece

Study and research in Greece
One of the main objectives of the Netherlands Institute in Athens is  to stimulate cooperation between Dutch and Greek universities, among other things by exchanging information and establishing contacts.

The institute is an ideal base for students, PhD students and teachers. As a student or young researcher you are offered a unique opportunity to be in the country for a shorter or longer period of time and to research the foundations of our Western civilization and culture. You learn to combine theory and practice, you have a wealth of source material at your disposal, you learn to see things from a different perspective, you acquire international knowledge and contacts, get to know other students and researchers and exchange stories and ideas.

The NIA is part of a highly qualified international community, with seventeen foreign archaeological institutes and a large network in the field of the archeology, history, language and culture of the country. In addition to antiquity, which traditionally has attracted the interest of Dutch students and researchers, Greece also offers numerous research opportunities in other fields such as social sciences, cultural anthropology, economics, environment and water management, earth sciences, medical sciences.

To stimulate study and / or research stays in Greece, the NIA has guest rooms and a scholarship program. Every year, the Greek government also makes a number of scholarships available to Dutch students to follow (language) education or to conduct research in Greece. Finally, there are also various Dutch and European organizations that provide scholarships for study, internship or research in Greece.