We are glad to announce that we have uploaded to our YouTube-Channel the three keynote lectures delivered at our international workshop Jewish Responses to Persecution and Rescue Efforts during the Holocaust (Netherlands Institute at Athens, 10-11 May).
Bart Wallet’s highly informative opening lecture – Victimhood and agency. Historiographical, methodological and comparative issues in the study of Jewish responses to persecution – provided much food for thought and served as a point of reference for many other contributions to the workshop.
Odette Varon-Vassard’s poignant lecture – Extermination, rescue and Resistance in a familial history and the transmission of memory – re-enacted the trajectories of two Sephardic families during the Holocaust and offered valuable personal insights on how survivors remember their loved ones.
Natalia Aleksiun’s stirring closing lecture – When Fajga left Tadeusz. The afterlife of survivors’ wartime relationships – brought to light the shifting identities and loyalties concomitant with rescue and its immediate aftermath with reference to a Jewish woman, a Catholic man and their baby-boy.
We are currently considering the best format for disseminating the contributions of this successful and inspiring workshop. We will keep you informed through this website.