Journal Pharos

Pharos  Magazine

The Netherlands Institute has its own magazine: Pharos. Journal of the Netherlands Institute at Athens, which was first published in 1993. It has been published twice a year since 2011 and is published by Peeters Publishers – Leuven (Belgium).

The magazine is primarily intended as a forum for scientists whose research and fieldwork focuses on the Greek world. Original contributions relating to Greek archaeology, history and culture and their reception from the earliest times to today are welcome. Research carried out under the auspices of the Netherlands Institute of Athens is discussed every year. Contributions are preferably written in English.

Authors who consider submitting an article to the journal are requested to contact the editors-in-chief before sending manuscripts. They will receive a copy of the ‘Guidelines to Authors’ to which they must conform as closely as possible. All manuscripts will be reviewed by external referees before acceptance.
Research master students are welcome to submit manuscripts, under the condition that their supervisor approves their submission (based on a first round of feedback by the supervisor before the manuscript is submitted), and that this approval is submitted with the paper.


Pharos XXIV (2018-2020)

Pharos XXIII.2 (2017)

Pharos XXIII.1 (2017)

Pharos XXII.2 (2016)

Pharos XXII.1 (2016)

Pharos XXI.2 (2015)

Pharos XXI.1 (2015)

Pharos XX.2 (2014)

Pharos XX.1 (2014)

Pharos XIX.2 (2013)

Pharos XIX.1 (2013)

Pharos XVIII.2 (2011-12)

Pharos XVIII.1 (2011-12)

Pharos XVII.2 (2009-10)

Pharos XVII.1 (2009-10)

Pharos XVI (2008)

Pharos XV (2007)

Pharos XIV (2006)

Pharos XIII (2005)

Pharos XII (2004)

Pharos XI (2003)

Pharos X (2002)

Pharos IX (2001)

Pharos VIII (2000)

Pharos VII (1999)

Pharos VI (1998)

Pharos V (1997)

Pharos IV (1996)

Pharos III (1995)

Pharos II (1994)

Pharos I (1993)

To order
Pharos Journal of the Netherlands Institute at Athens can be ordered from Peeters Publishers, Journals Department, Bondgenotenlaan 153, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium. Email: Peeters. Price: 65 EURO (annual subscription, 2 volumes, approx. 250 p.).

Pharos volume I to volume VII are available on request from the Netherlands Institute of Athens, Makri 11, GR-117 42 Athens, Greece. Email: NIA.

Pharos Supplements

In 2013, the Netherlands Institute published a one-off Pharos Supplement, published by Peeters Publishers– Leuven (Belgium).

Pharos Supplement 1.
Voutsaki, S. & S.M. Valamoti (eds) 2013. Diet, Economy and Society in the Ancient Greek World. Towards a better integration of archaeology and science, Leuven.

To order
Pharos Supplement 1 can be ordered from  Peeters Publishers, Books & Series, Bondgenotenlaan 153, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium. Email:  Peeters.