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We are always happy to make new friends!
If you want to support the work of the Institute, please join the Association of Friends of the NIA (VVNIA).
We are always happy to make new friends!
We are very pleased to announce the publication of “Encounters with Troubled Pasts in Contemporary Dutch and Greek Historiography“, Volume VIII in our series “Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens”, published by Sidestone Press, Leiden. Contributors, experts in their respective research fields with a wide range of scholarly publications, eschew dominant national accounts, deconstruct […]
The Netherlands Institute at Athens is organizing from January 20-31, 2024 for the twelth time the intensive Winter School “Migration in the Margins of Europe”. It is addressed to postgraduate students and PhD candidates in the field of Social Sciences and is organized in collaboration with the University of Amsterdam and the Department of Social […]
Research Institute CLUE+ & The Netherlands Institute at Athens cordially invite you to a special screening of the documentary “1.000 Square Meters of Time” by award-winning Greek film maker Maro Anastopoulou that will take place at VU University on 22 November (16.00-18.00). The documentary follows archaeologists of the Geraki Project in their investigations of an […]
We are happy and honored to invite you to an informal discussion to get to know the NIA, organised in cooperation with the Greek Embassy in The Hague. This special event will take place on Thursday 23 November (18.00) in the “Doelenzaal” of the University of Amsterdam (Singel 425, Amsterdam). After an introduction on the […]