
NWIB Visiting Professors Programme: Call 2025-2026

The NWIB Visiting Professors Programme offers assistant professors, associate professors and full professors at participating universities a unique opportunity to work undisturbed in an inspiring and stimulating environment. This programme enables you to stay at one of the five Dutch Scientific Institutes Abroad (NWIBs) for a period of three months to conduct research, give lectures […]

27 November: 11th TEXNH-Lecture: “Implementing metrology: economy, institutions and techniques in the Mediterranean (1st millennium BCE)”, Dr. Alexis Gorgues (Université Bordeaux Montaigne)

The Netherlands Institute at Athens, in collaboration with the Royal Museums of Art and History Brussels, The National Archaeological Museum Athens, The Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus, The École Française d’Athènes and The University College Roosevelt (NL) are very pleased to announce a lecture by Dr. Alexis Gorgues (Maître de Conférences en […]

24 October: Annual Open Meeting and Lecture by Prof. André Lardinois (Radboud University) “Anchoring Innovation: A Classics Research Agenda”

On Thursday October 24th the annual NIA meeting will take place at our premises. On this occasion, NIA director Prof. dr. Ann Brysbaert will give an overview of the activities that took place at and around the Institute during 2023, focusing of course on our activities in the field of archaeological research. Subsequently, Prof. André […]

“HYDOR: Water Resources and Management in the Aegean Bronze Age” XXth International Aegean Conference (Amsterdam, 11-16 June)

It is with great pleasure that we share the announcement of the conference “HYDOR: Water Resources and Management in the Aegean Bronze Age”, the XXth international Aegean Conference, which will take place from 11-16 June at the University of Amsterdam in The Netherlands. Water is arguably the most important substance of human life. However, in […]