The NWIB Visiting Professors Programme offers assistant professors, associate professors and full professors at participating universities a unique opportunity to work undisturbed in an inspiring and stimulating environment. This programme enables you to stay at one of the five Dutch Scientific Institutes Abroad (NWIBs) for a period of three months to conduct research, give lectures and contribute to the intellectual climate at the Institute.
The Netherlands Institute at Athens is happy to be one of the participating NWIB’s.
The programme is open to assistant professors, associate professors, and full professors at one of the following universities: Radboud University, University of Groningen, University of Amsterdam, Leiden University, Utrecht University, VU University. Scientists from all disciplines are welcome, except at Utrecht University where applications are restricted to certain faculties. However, in all cases there must be a link between your research proposal on the one hand and the activities and geographic focus of the NWIB of your choice on the other.
The programme offers the opportunity to conduct research for a maximum period of three months and to contribute to the intellectual climate at the Institute of your choice by organizing scientific activities, such as a conference, guest lectures or a master class on a topic of your choice – all in line with your own proposal.
Each Institute offers an inspiring environment and invites researchers and scholars to discuss their findings and views while benefitting from the Institute’s unique research facilities, as well as its local and international academic network
Click here for detailed information
Click here for the application form
Deadline for application: April 15.