
The Managing Board of the NIA consists of members of the Boards of Directors from the six Dutch universities that support the NIA, and which merged into a single Administration for the Dutch Scientific Institutes Abroad (DSIA/NWIB): the University of Amsterdam, the University of Utrecht, the University of Groningen, the VU University of Amsterdam and the Radboud University of Nijmegen.

Dutch Scientific Institutes Abroad (NWIB)

The NIA is one of the five Dutch (scientific) institutes abroad. These institutes are scientific outposts of the six supporting Dutch Universities and together form the network of Dutch Scientific Institutes Abroad (NWIB).  They are primarily located around the Mediterranean: Athens, Rome, Florence, and Cairo. However, there is also an Institute in St. Petersburg. The institutes are jointly administered by the six universities. For more information you can visit the NWIB website.

Managing Board for the Dutch Scientific Institutes Abroad (NWIB):

Prof. Dr. C.M. van Praag Chairman of the Board of NWIB and Chairman of the Board of VU University Amsterdam

Prof. mr. A.T. Ottow, Chairman of the Board, University of Leiden

Prof. Dr. J. De Vries, Chairman of the Board, University of Groningen

Prof. Dr. H.J. Wigboldus, Chairman of the Board, Radboud University Nijmegen

Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. G.T.M. ten Dam, Chairman of the Board, University of Amsterdam

Prof. Dr. A. Pijpers, Chairman of the Board, University of Utrecht

General secretary
Frans Snijders, VU University Amsterdam.

Management of OIA in the Netherlands

The University of Amsterdam holds the chair of the Board of Directors of the NIA. The administration of NIA in the Netherlands is in the hands of Rick de Jong MA, Department of Administrative Support, University of Amsterdam.

Scientific Advisory Board of OIA

The Scientific Advisory Board advises the Director on the policy to be followed by the Institute. The Council is convened twice a year and is composed of experts in various scientific fields.


Dr Tatiana Markaki, Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board, University of Amsterdam (Modern-Greek).

Prof. Dr Pieter ter Keurs, Leiden University (History of Material Culture)

Dr Kim Beerden, Leiden University (Ancient History)

Prof. Dr Jan Paul Crielaard, VU University Amsterdam (Archaeology)

Prof. Dr A. Lardinois, Radboud University of Nijmegen (Ancient Greek and Latin)

Dr Christina Williamson, University of Groningen (Ancient History).

Dr Ralf Strootman, University of Utrecht (Ancient History)

Prof. Dr Dimitris Dalakoglou, VU University Amsterdam (Anthropology, Migration Studies)

Dr jill Hilditch, University of Amsterdam (Archaeology)

Dr. Daphne Penna, University of Groningen (Byzantine Law)


Rick de Jong MA, University of Amsterdam.