(Illustration: Reconstruction of the frieze of the silver Battle Krater from Shaft Grave IV at Mycenae)
The Netherlands Institute at Athens, in collaboration with the Royal Museums of Art and History Brussels, The National Archaeological Museum Athens, The Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus, The École française d’Athènes and The University College Roosevelt (NL) are very pleased to announce a lecture by
Prof. Fritz Blakolmer, Institute of Classical Archaeology, University of Vienna
“On artistic transformations and models in Minoan iconography: Some examples of warlike scenes”
Discussant: Dr. Vasiliki Pliatsika, National Archaeological Museum,
April 24, at 18.00, at the Netherlands Institute at Athens.
The lecture is part of the Lecture series and Discussion Forum TEXNH: Making, creating, and agency networks in the Ancient Mediterranean world.’
The event will also be streamed live. For registration please click here