©Gilad Seliktar
On 10-11 May 2022, the Netherlands Institute at Athens, the Research Institute for Culture, Cognition, History and Heritage of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and the Workshop on the Study of the Jews of Greece will hold a two-day international workshop on “Jewish Responses to Persecution and Rescue Efforts during the Holocaust”. Our aim is to bring together scholars who will address the methodological, empirical, and comparative issues underpinning the study of the workshop’s broad theme.
As a preamble to our workshop, the international Webinar on 20 October will bring together survivors of the Holocaust, their offspring, academic experts and artists working on and with the memory of those who survived the Holocaust in hiding. It will present testimonies on hiding in Greece and the Netherlands; it will engage with the narratives of first- and second-generation survivors; and it will address methodological and research desiderata: How and when are memories of hiding (and other survival strategies) processed into narratives? How are these narratives transferred from generation to generation? What is the role of the narratives inside and outside the community of memory, for instance in relation to the rest of an artist’s oeuvre?
©Artemis Alcalay
The Webinar will take place between 19.00-21.00 Athens time (GMT+03) and will be hosted on Zoom. If you would like to join us, please register through this link.
Please click here for the complete programme.